BENEDIKTUS - komunita s lidmi s mentálním postižením

We are Renovating the Former Baths (Aperát)

Ever since we came to Modletín it has been our dream to renovate the historically significant building of the former baths. Our vision is to restore the building in such a way so that it can be used for the life and work of people with disabilities. Our project "Preservation of the Building of the Former Baths in Modletín – First Stage" has been selected to receive EU funding administered by MAS Podhůří Železných hor o.p.s within the framework of guideline III.2.2: "Protection and Development of the Rural Cultural Heritage".

In the first stage of renovation the building will be statically secured and it will get a new roof. It will be temporarily used for storage and as a space for the cultural events that we organize in Modletín. We would like to continue with further renovation works on the building in the future.